Thursday, June 18, 2009

Animals And Evolution

Today, let's look at a major problem for those who claim that living things came about by a random evolutionary process instead of having been created by God. How about when two or more aspects of the body are co-dependent? I find that the idea of evolution handles this very poorly.

According to evolutionary theory, beneficial traits such as good eyesight continue from one generation to the next because the trait gives the creature an advantage over those without it, making it more likely to survive long enough to reproduce and pass along the trait to future generations by way of genetics. Thus beneficial traits accumulate over time, the species improves in it's fitness for survival in it's environment and may eventually become an entirely new species.

Animals, along with humans, possess consciousness. This is the ability to analyze information about the creature's sorroundings in order to make decisions. The purpose of consciousness is to deal with the outside and thus consciousness is of no use without senses such as sight, hearing and, feel to convey information about the sorroundings.

Likewise, senses would be of absolutely no use without a consciousness to process the information that they provide. Senses supposedly developed by random mutations that proved to be beneficial and so increased the creature's chances of surviving long enough to reproduce and pass along the beneficial mutation to future generations. But senses are useless without a consciousness to analyze their information and the consciousness would have to exist first, before the senses, in order for sight, hearing, feel, etc. to be beneficial.

The problem for evolution here is that the consciousness could not have developed before the senses by beneficial mutation because consciousness would be of no use without senses. This is a lot like the old question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg"? Senses offer no genetic advantage without a consciousness already in place to process the data that they supply and a consciousness could not develop due to evolutionary advantage without senses already in place sending information about the sorroundings for it to process.

There is a third factor in this evolutionary quandry, that of muscles and mobility. Even if a creature did have both senses and consciousness, neither would be of any survival advantage without muscles and mobility. This is the ability of the creature to move both itself and other things. For this to develop by way of evolution, it would be necessary to have the senses and consciousness already in place. Notice that plants have none of the three because none makes any sense without the other two.

So here is our conundrum. Senses in a creature would be of no survival advantage unless there was a consciousness already in place to process their information and thus could not develop because of beneficial mutation. Consciousness could not develop by beneficial mutation unless there were both senses and muscles already in place, without senses the consciousness would receive no information to process and without muscles and mobility, it would be unable to act upon any information from senses, thus making itself of no evolutionary advantage. Meanwhile, no muscle and mobility could develop by beneficial mutation unless there was consciousness and senses already in place.

So, how on earth can it be said that humans or animals came about through random beneficial mutations as described in evolutionary theory? It is true that species can adapt over time in certain ways to it's environment. But the idea that life came about without being created by God is ridiculous. Could it be that the real driving force behind belief in evolution is that people living sinful lives do not want to believe that there is a god that they will have to answer to?

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