Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Impulse Hypothesis

I find that the very structure of life says that God must have created us and we could not have arisen by supposed evolutionary processes. If this godless theory is true then the natural impulses that occur in human minds must be the result of millions of years of continuous improvement in the evolutionary development in making us more suitable to live in our environment. These natural impulses are like the "software" guiding our lives. This means that if the idea of godless evolution is correct, following our natural impulses should be the way for us to live the best possible lives.

However, something seems to be wrong. Human beings have always created laws to live by and the very purpose of these laws is to stop us from living by our natural impulses. We create laws to enable us to live better lives but the very purpose of such laws is to restrain our natural impulses which themselves should lead us to the best possible lives.

There are, of course, many people who obey what their natural impulses tell them to do. You can read all about them every day in the newspaper, particularly the police and court news. But yet if evolution is true then any kind of man-made law makes no sense, our natural impulses that should have spent millions of years in continuous improvement to make us better suited to the environment and the very purpose of such laws is to restrain and subvert such impulses.

One thing that people all across the world and down through history have agreed upon is that the way to live a good life is not to obey our natural impulses but to supress and overcome them. This makes it apparent that we are not the products of evolutionary development, in which case our impulses would guide us to the best possible life, but that life is a test, meaning that we are being watched, and must have been created by, God. No religion or human law has ever told people "Do whatever your natural impulses tell you to do and you will live a good life". Every time you see a traffic sign it tells you that God must have created us.

There are two basic types of life a person can live, a high life and a low life. If humans were the product of random evolutionary processes, following our natural impulses would be the way to live a high life, instead it is the way to live a low life. It is the supression of the impulses that the process of evolution supposedly developed in us that is the way to live a high life by just about any standards, whether religious or secular. If we were products of evolutionary development then just having everyone obey their natural impulses would lead to a paradise on earth.

Why is there such miscoordination between the natural impulses that occur to human beings and what we are? Have you ever stopped to think how illogical it is that we teach evolution in school and then punish people for obeying their natural impulses which were supposedly developed by such processes? The most vile criminals are only obeying the impulses which the evolutionary process supposedly gave them.

The only sensible explanation that I can think of is that life is a test to show that God's way is the right way and to see if each one of us will obey him instead of our natural impulses.

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