Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Case For The Bible

The Bible has always claimed that the universe had a definite beginning while for centuries, astronomers believed that the universe had always existed. In recent decades, the Big Bang Theory has been accepted by virtually all astronomers. This theory only says what the Bible has said all along, that the universe had a definite beginning.

The creation story in the Book of Genesis was written down about 1500 BC. It names the order of God's creation: that the universe was created (the Big Bang), light appeared (as matter condensed into stars) the earth was made (as matter from an exploded star condensed into our solar system). Life began in the seas, plants were the first life, animals later appeared on land (after plants had generated enough oxygen) and that humans are the youngest form of life on earth. In recent decades, science has confirmed that this is the exact process that took place.

This is a fact that could not possibly have been known in 1500 BC without divine inspiration. God gave a vision of the creation to Moses (or whoever wrote the book). The only creation step that is out of place is the creation of heavenly bodies, which came after the creation of the earth in Genesis. This can be explained by the fact that the early earth was a very cloudy, due to heat, and dusty, due to seismic activity so that the celestial bodies did not become visible from earth until there was a clear sky. The author of Genesis wrote what he saw in the vision.

If there is no god and humans are merely the result of an evolutionary process, then why did we develop emotions? Human emotions are completely contradictory to supposed evolutionary logic. If you are merely a combination of atoms and any situation is merely a different arrangement of atoms, then why do you feel love or hate, happiness or sadness over different situations? A car is a fine example of mechanical principles, an aircraft is an excellent example of aerodynamic principles but a human being is an exceedingly poor example of supposed evolutionary principles.

Remember that the Theory of Evolution is not some noble principle, it is the brutal law of the jungle. The survival of the fittest is all that counts. If someone wishes to kill you for your posessions, he has done nothing wrong according to this bizarre theory. It would also mean that a human being is of no more absolute value than their weight in topsoil. Also, evolution is every bit as much a religion as Christianity is.

The Old Testament of the Bible foretold in great detail the birth, life and, death of Jesus hundreds of years before it happened. The prophecies were fulfilled exactly. We can be sure of this or Jesus would be a name we had never heard of today. How could the Bible acheive this if it was not the divine Word of God?

Before you even think of the Bible as some kind of a hoax, remember that even in biblical days, it was intensely hated for exposing sin just as it is today. The prophets were harshly critical of the proud Israelites. Yet, they cherished and preserved their writings above all else. Jesus was hated and feared by both the Jewish and Roman authorities and you can be sure that if there was a shred of real evidence to invalidate him and his claims that it would have surfaced.

What about the prophecies made by Jesus that have already come true? He foretold that the Jews would be forced from their homeland and their temple destroyed. This must have seemed as a ludicrous thought at the time until the Jews rebelled against Roman control in 70 AD and in vengeance, the Romans fulfilled Jesus' prophecy to the letter.

The Old Testament, particularly the Book of Jeremiah, foretold the destruction of wicked, idolatrous Babylon 150 years in advance. It is easy for modern skeptics to say that maybe the prophecies were written after the fact. But then why were the ancient Israelite so awed by such writings that they treated them as more valuable than gold?

The Bible is the most hated, as well as the most loved, book ever. But this is also an indication of it's truth. When we hate something, at least we are acknowledging it's reality. After all, it does not make sense to hate something that is not real. People hate the Bible not because it is not true but because they do not want it to be true.

There is absolutely no room in the Bible for any half measures. Either it is the divine Word of God or it is a book of lies. Either Jesus was the Son of God, as he claimed or else he was a liar or a flake.

Remember that when you die, everything that you have, everything that you are, will all mean absolutely nothing. All of your status, money, looks, etc. will amount to zero. God is not impressed with any of it. Only your salvation will count.

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